Article 4 GDPR – Definitions
Recital 3, 4
Här fyller vi på med texten i skäl 3…
1. I denna förordning fastställs bestämmelser om skydd för fysiska personer med avseende på behandlingen av personuppgifter och om det fria flödet av personuppgifter.
Se även Artikel 12, Artikel 13
GDPR Hero's legal text module
The GDPR is comprised of 99 Articles and 173 Recitals. The Recitals do not have the same legal status as the Articles, but are important because they provide additional details and insight into the purpose and functions of the Articles, in other words useful for interpretation of GDPR. We have therefore chosen to place them together with the Articles that they clarify. You can find the Recitals by clicking on the plus sign (+). We also refer to other articles that cover the same area. We hope this is helpful!